Lecture 44

We will discuss the use of SAS and R for more sophisticated analysis of spatial data. SAS is expensive software available for yearly rent through the Stat/Math center on campus or on campus computers for free. R is free software that can be found at:

The R Project for Statistical Computing

geoR is a contributed package to R and can loaded from the R program once you have installed R. A guide to geoR is available at:


Here are the commands we may use in class are as follows. They load the library, read the data, print and plot the data, create and plot a binned variogram, and determine the maximum likelihood estimates for a gaussian model.


rain <- read.geodata('SwissRain.txt', header=FALSE, coords.col = 1:2, data.col=3)



bin <- variog(rain, option = "bin", uvec=seq(0,340000,10000))


like <- likfit(rain, ini = c(10000, 31000),  nugget=3000, fix.kappa=TRUE, kappa=2, cov.model="powered.exponential", control=list(parscale=c(10000,.1)))


SAS code for the analysis of the Swiss Rainfall data

Much of the code below is based on the Lab notes at http://www.stat.uga.edu/~seymour/8270/AcidDep.pdf
/* Name the dataset "rain" */
DATA rain;
/*  Tell SAS where to get the data */
INFILE 'C:\Documents and Settings\Elizabeth Housworth\My Documents\Math468\SwissRain.txt';
/* Tell SAS the variables names */
INPUT x y rainfall;
/* Execute the code above  */

/* Most things in SAS are procedures. We want to run the printing procedure
to make sure we loaded the data properly. */
Proc print Data=rain;

/* The variogram procedure computes the variogram. The input is out data set
rain. The output is a new data set called vario. We then tell later
procedures which data set to use - rain or vario. */
/* You control the binning process with this statement. LAGD is the distance
for the bin and MAXLAGS is the maximum number of bins. */
/* COORDINATES tells SAS which of the variables in the DATA set are the
X-coordinates and which are the Y-coordinates. */
COORDINATES xc=x yc=y;
/* VAR tells SAS which variable contains the spatial responses. */
VAR rainfall;
/* Check out what you created. Notice that SAS named the
variogram estimates VARIOG. */

/* Now plot it. */
/* These two statements define the sizes of the vertical and
horizontal axes, respectively. These are assigned to the
vertical and horizontal axes by the options in the PLOT
statement. Be careful to ensure that they include the range for your data. */
AXIS1 ORDER=0 TO 20000 BY 2000;
AXIS2 ORDER=0 TO 350000 BY 20000;
/* The PLOT command says to plot variog on the y axis versys distance on the x axis */
PLOT variog*distance / VAXIS=axis1 HAXIS=axis2;

/* Now we want an initial fit of some model to the variogram. SAS
does not seem to be able to work with the Matern distribution easily. 
It can handle spherical, exponential (powered exponential with k=1), 
gaussian (powered exponential with k=2), the powered exponential generally,
and some other possibilities:  linear, log linear, etc... 

Let's fit a general powered exponential to the data: */

/* The METHOD tells SAS which optimization algorithm to use
to minimize the sum of squares. The options are: */
/* This statement defines the model parameters and gives
them initial values for SAS to use to start the optimization
algorithm. You need to start with reasonable parameters.
You could use VarioWin of just the variogram plot from
before to get some intial guesses. */
PARAMETERS tau2=2000 sigma2=15000.0 psi=50000.0 kappa=1;
/* This statement places bounds on those parameters to make
sure the results don't wander into invalid values. *.
BOUNDS c>0, a>0;
/* This statement defines the exponential model. */
poweredexp=tau2 + sigma2*(1-exp(-((distance/psi)**kappa)));
MODEL variog=poweredexp;
/* This gives the values of the weights to use. The
underscores around the variable name mean that it is a
special SAS variable name. In this case, the weight is the
inverse of the variance of the model. */
/* This puts the estimated model values into a data set
called VARIOMOD*/
OUTPUT OUT=variomod PRED=evhat;

/* Now plot out the two model fits against the sample
variogram. */
AXIS1 ORDER=0 TO 20000 BY 2000;
AXIS2 ORDER=0 TO 350000 BY 20000;
/* This is one way to get several plots on the same axes. */
PLOT (variog evhat)*distance /
/* These statements tell SAS how to plot the different data
sets. The first draws black bullets for the first variable,
VARIOG; the second draws a solid red line (L=1) through the
model estimates EVHAT;  The line
control L can take on values up to 46, with values 2-46
giving a different kind of dashed line. */

/* Now we have some decent parameter estimates: 
                  Parameter      Estimate    Std Error    Approximate 95% Confidence Limits

                  tau2             3269.4        753.0      1746.3      4792.6
                  sigma2          10382.9        798.9      8767.0     11998.8
                  psi             41361.9       2304.9     36699.9     46024.0
                  kappa            2.7628       0.6078      1.5334      3.9921

We will use thess in Procedure MIXED to come up with the maximum likelihood estimates
for all the parameters (including the overall mean) in the model. */

DATA rain;
/*  Tell SAS where to get the data */
INFILE 'C:\Documents and Settings\Elizabeth Housworth\My Documents\Math468\SwissRain.txt';
/* Tell SAS the variables names */
INPUT x y rainfall;
/* Execute the code above  */
/* Proc Mixed handles general mixture models. Mixture refers to, among other things, that
our variance matrix for the data is a mixture (sum) of a variance times the correlation matrix
for the signal and another variance times the identity matrix. */
/* The model can be a regression model. We just want to estimate the mean so our model is empty. 
That means the model is rainfall = intercept. 
An intercept (mean) is assumed by SAS. */
MODEL rainfall= / SOLUTION;
/* Here is where we specify the form for the variance matrices.
The SUBJECT tells what is fitting the covariance model
LOCAL tells SAS to add tau^2 * I to the covariance structure
TYPE=SP(Gau)(x y) tells SAS to use a spatial model, specifically the
Gaussian one, with spatial coordinates given by the variables x and y */
/* These are the inital parameters in the model: sigma_squared, psi, and then tau_squared */
PARMS (10382) (41361) (3269);
The Swiss rainfall dataset is given below. It is available in many places. I found it at http://www.cas.umt.edu/math/graham/math595/math595.html

x	y	rainfall
-159812	-39393	215
-159806	-68316	167
-158368	-42768	271
-156586	-62838	166
-153432	-29548	263
-153090	-46242	149
-148708	-24105	190
-148491	-46357	187
-146620	-64200	220
-145922	-35296	149
-143939	-16435	228
-140463	-30977	151
-136211	-12166	255
-129848	-72	210
-128276	-33474	210
-127684	-5680	234
-126536	-23500	110
-125353	-3505	217
-124685	-7968	100
-124038	-13542	120
-123184	-9111	79
-121276	9758	191
-120674	1960	194
-119464	-13635	133
-118084	17479	234
-117307	-20351	214
-116742	8555	183
-116780	-32596	334
-115480	-4816	107
-114528	-34864	371
-113301	-10418	230
-111242	-22691	290
-110314	27340	228
-109680	20655	296
-109192	-36075	394
-109172	-34963	394
-108729	-10503	300
-108027	-13852	278
-107305	26173	260
-104273	-17256	371
-103712	14987	225
-103460	29441	281
-101596	-39544	323
-101256	-65129	338
-96756	22655	290
-97055	-42955	297
-96147	-34073	383
-95716	-55210	255
-94512	-27426	432
-93956	-40780	415
-93540	-14096	324
-93350	-1866	301
-93332	-754	322
-92287	65956	105
-92261	19247	223
-93102	-85277	82
-89885	25884	119
-88961	36991	251
-88794	48109	266
-89164	-79776	99
-88936	-64210	214
-87683	-30866	154
-86804	-76474	83
-85629	5803	289
-84732	68067	135
-85061	-62042	214
-84906	-50923	213
-83936	18012	330
-83716	33578	96
-83690	-18690	585
-82882	39127	194
-83783	-80965	114
-82771	-63186	220
-81792	-47630	268
-80712	-24291	407
-79712	-6511	493
-79475	11279	342
-78818	3485	382
-79258	-88810	33
-78609	-38776	264
-78030	-53240	180
-75594	17901	334
-75197	49033	209
-74547	-19922	390
-73962	-97772	98
-72356	34541	180
-73017	-83327	57
-71263	62329	230
-70390	8940	347
-69838	-8859	415
-68588	33384	256
-69022	-71142	51
-68707	-43345	131
-68015	-50025	165
-67728	-24452	283
-67188	23360	300
-66815	-11118	405
-64428	67810	196
-64887	-44499	104
-63854	-92327	78
-63599	-67865	45
-62900	-1152	393
-62677	19974	398
-61617	48876	208
-61512	58883	176
-60921	-31197	121
-59304	-22317	174
-59026	-72360	98
-56696	11018	434
-54591	-7906	351
-52692	34334	349
-52257	-2366	406
-51974	-57968	99
-51393	-80213	39
-50660	6516	434
-50299	-41303	135
-49564	46539	288
-49480	56546	267
-49688	-60211	47
-49277	-10175	221
-48722	-35756	119
-47282	48744	258
-47061	-19089	198
-46443	-37998	141
-45799	45396	306
-45574	74306	136
-45522	80978	108
-45400	-1310	192
-45168	-72479	43
-44038	78742	123
-43485	52051	304
-43354	69841	102
-42618	67612	153
-42594	70948	151
-42545	77619	133
-42513	82067	107
-42749	-56929	55
-42159	26466	375
-42112	33137	328
-42112	-75836	65
-41935	-50262	52
-41642	-8010	200
-41067	74273	142
-41044	77608	148
-40170	-15803	143
-39542	77598	152
-39481	-26928	97
-39247	8654	517
-38077	72029	151
-38004	83148	152
-38015	-36945	121
-37133	-18047	142
-35931	54224	310
-35877	63119	320
-35257	40876	350
-34132	-26960	145
-33999	-3610	223
-33631	60882	400
-33561	73113	253
-33529	78673	161
-33071	26408	445
-32168	-89241	108
-31367	61982	386
-30591	66425	289
-29884	57526	334
-29097	64194	325
-29037	76425	260
-28596	11929	429
-28425	47511	327
-28312	70862	325
-27780	24157	378
-27723	36388	322
-27345	-47010	37
-26794	74190	315
-26758	81974	213
-26097	61956	356
-26043	74187	338
-25311	69736	331
-25141	-70371	0
-25096	-59252	17
-24768	19696	412
-24717	31927	400
-24666	44159	311
-24508	81964	238
-23978	27477	327
-23234	24138	426
-22628	-15895	82
-22047	-65935	13
-21560	67497	380
-21153	-30356	123
-20973	20793	365
-20275	3000	251
-20090	57484	301
-20059	66380	350
-19610	-25914	94
-18685	25234	314
-18597	53032	322
-17799	67485	335
-17218	8550	185
-17186	19669	239
-15935	-81522	58
-15792	-27037	118
-14797	65252	367
-14028	71922	330
-13567	-57065	30
-12630	22994	225
-11145	6311	145
-11083	39670	196
-11016	75252	324
-8908	-22603	141
-8209	-70417	98
-8127	-9261	68
-7332	17425	166
-6524	61902	254
-3518	53004	226
-2812	-49296	20
-2045	-48184	34
-2004	71906	266
-508	-4818	72
254	-1483	53
251	70794	286
1790	-51520	78
1778	-11490	73
1765	34100	115
1762	41883	212
1759	55227	216
4803	18534	142
4779	47445	165
5503	80804	225
6333	6304	57
6322	16312	71
8627	-3700	90
9412	-19266	140
10104	22989	87
10969	-35943	179
10774	70804	212
12486	-29268	148
12324	48568	178
13152	15211	32
13024	73032	183
14022	-32601	62
13971	-10362	71
16178	18554	59
16790	69706	132
18515	-1454	60
18311	64151	164
19006	81944	124
19861	50812	127
20697	27464	70
21414	38586	60
22095	58604	163
22045	71947	147
21952	96409	156
22714	93076	124
23427	101974	138
24830	-57029	354
24364	56389	124
25443	-20332	185
25738	86417	153
26705	38608	63
26674	45279	73
26579	66406	146
27305	71969	133
27284	76417	144
28253	30831	93
28158	50846	120
29878	8600	59
29728	38622	85
29582	67532	143
30369	60865	75
31263	34182	137
31216	43078	86
32301	-18075	129
31941	48641	124
31917	53089	77
33278	-56988	402
33150	-33638	345
33088	-22518	149
34145	-74775	441
33209	90903	113
34603	-20286	262
33933	95354	120
33874	105361	184
35222	4181	33
35084	27532	86
36429	-70314	444
35888	19752	86
37632	102049	121
39277	-34713	346
38768	43122	67
39590	33120	94
39426	57582	106
39239	85380	96
40111	67594	94
41878	-79174	278
41380	-6899	270
41899	27576	113
42166	95408	100
44129	33152	65
45012	16479	106
44793	45389	45
46026	-16873	209
45513	49842	66
45436	59849	115
45341	72080	104
46624	4259	171
46477	23162	91
46407	32057	91
46372	36505	58
45988	85429	107
48000	-73569	308
47974	-70233	312
47728	-39100	359
47261	19832	140
46630	98778	126
49386	-54654	278
48503	53202	58
49452	29858	72
50350	13186	162
50086	44319	48
51878	-76873	208
52863	-13481	171
52391	39891	54
53046	51017	120
54930	-73510	227
53719	59919	119
53526	81045	123
53434	91052	139
54545	52142	88
54225	86611	131
56563	-83503	90
55465	34359	82
55434	37694	64
56485	6568	190
56253	31030	103
55862	72171	141
55851	73283	131
59158	-33438	452
58337	49954	65
58991	59969	118
61279	-92353	74
59947	39962	86
59710	63313	89
61646	-52317	503
60382	71103	134
60291	79998	129
61816	5509	247
61111	73335	126
60902	93348	131
63769	-109008	0
63585	-91218	16
62727	-8938	287
63265	12196	199
63147	23316	155
64917	-71188	240
63172	91149	136
66081	-107871	1
64505	37786	117
64818	77822	109
67605	-105630	0
67556	-101183	0
65718	64488	130
65456	87838	118
67298	-8888	343
66647	48930	91
66256	83399	109
68438	24486	145
68585	76753	142
68402	92319	142
69848	33399	184
71226	-18851	254
70784	81227	140
72860	-27727	285
72550	-2154	221
71928	48992	152
71629	73454	128
74004	-58851	164
73312	59018	60
75610	-64391	196
74401	32342	115
76497	-13226	269
76199	10123	271
77388	-23223	348
76383	54608	95
78368	-39891	261
78296	-34332	283
76801	80191	90
77816	60187	63
77743	65746	61
79458	-6515	241
81551	-48745	257
80645	73570	68
81859	40225	184
81960	86933	127
84694	230	220
83475	85842	115
84689	53610	72
84561	62504	126
84305	80294	109
85540	46949	178
88193	-30859	276
87981	-16404	218
86885	58090	137
87887	41423	140
87738	51430	118
88559	46994	116
89751	18097	284
89094	61459	119
92088	62617	111
94583	378	298
93700	55970	185
93505	68200	125
95768	-26294	94
95450	-6281	313
94901	74895	144
97099	-14039	132
96720	9309	230
96467	24875	282
98187	-34040	129
97523	52695	231
97339	63814	140
98769	68285	116
100124	32720	235
99992	40503	205
99917	44950	311
101069	21615	200
101815	66113	149
103672	2753	170
105420	-53936	58
105188	-40595	65
103398	61692	392
103261	69475	303
106209	-11660	186
105735	15023	240
107070	-17206	190
107040	68430	249
109500	-24948	190
109815	-474	72
111743	18469	175
113592	-39330	96
113152	-15982	170
111636	64067	156
114546	-49321	131
115226	-4821	126
114798	17415	205
116224	-17036	184
120891	-21392	10
122870	-43597	99
122236	-12467	82
125007	937	92
126724	-44629	36
128096	-1222	67
131057	-32302	16
130476	-5620	100
132684	-36715	39
131778	4419	121
138143	-41041	40
142077	-45399	18
143715	-49810	30
145302	-51996	20
145757	-7492	8
146655	-13031	6
150921	-61870	55
154392	-17287	5
160524	-18238	29
161600	-1523	0
172891	-23457	15