Lecture 26

We will discuss confidence intervals for the eignevalues of a PCA.

Lay discussions about principal components are available in Chapter 17 of your text, The Statistical Sleuth, in Chapter 14 of Biostatistics by van Belle, Fisher, Heagerty, and Lumley, as well as on the WEB at: http://www.okstate.edu/artsci/botany/ordinate/PCA.htm
A more technical discussion may be found in Chapter 8 of Applied Multivariate Statistical Analysis by Johnson and Wichern.

The first data set is our gene response to a drug treatment. The second list is summary data of various body measurements in adult females from the early 60's from Stoudt et al. (see http://www.cdc.gov/nchs/data/series/sr_11/sr11_035acc.pdf and Biostatistics by van Belle et al.

Responder_Type	Individual	Day_0	Day_1	Day_2	Day_7	Day_14	Day_28	log_0	log_1	log_2	log_7	log_14	log_28
Y	1	11414.9	17461.9	19303.3	11776.5	16481.6	18769.7	9.34267	9.7678	9.8680	9.3739	9.7100	9.8400
Y	2	11761.8	26143.5	24651.6	22734.7	16481.6	18769.7	9.37261	10.1714	10.1126	10.0316	9.7100	9.8400
Y	3	13664.3	26074.4	22826.3	18222.6	16155.2	18769.7	9.52254	10.1687	10.0357	9.8104	9.6900	9.8400
Y	4	11540.1	53371.2	61456.4	25517.4	26815.9	22790.4	9.35359	10.8850	11.0261	10.1471	10.1967	10.0341
Y	5	12081.6	21713.0	15061.9	18078.2	16990.9	18769.7	9.39944	9.9857	9.6199	9.8025	9.7404	9.8400
Y	6	9997.6	21122.8	18664.2	28093.0	17939.0	29943.9	9.21010	9.9581	9.8344	10.2433	9.7947	10.3071
Y	7	7507.8	21262.9	15972.3	16410.8	14589.2	17415.9	8.92369	9.9647	9.6786	9.7057	9.5880	9.7651
Y	8	8663.9	22601.0	18865.3	18441.0	18494.9	18851.7	9.06692	10.0257	9.8451	9.8223	9.8252	9.8444
Y	9	10706.0	22932.3	19430.3	22860.4	23034.1	19384.8	9.27856	10.0403	9.8746	10.0372	10.0447	9.8722
Y	10	11614.7	19930.5	21020.7	16272.9	15381.5	16397.6	9.36003	9.9000	9.9533	9.6973	9.6409	9.7049
Y	11	7802.8	25495.1	19997.9	18060.6	22315.5	23126.0	8.96224	10.1462	9.9034	9.8015	10.0130	10.0487
Y	12	11213.6	25262.6	18758.3	12626.1	11362.1	14796.9	9.32488	10.1371	9.8394	9.4435	9.3380	9.6022
Y	13	7521.9	18282.0	15244.6	10057.4	12532.0	14402.7	8.92557	9.8137	9.6320	9.2161	9.4360	9.5752
Y	14	10290.3	19072.7	20434.0	16148.9	16282.7	20384.0	9.23896	9.8560	9.9250	9.6896	9.6979	9.9225
Y	15	7518.6	21373.2	17259.6	14275.1	14281.1	14966.9	8.92513	9.9699	9.7561	9.5663	9.5667	9.6136
N	1	11693.3	20623.1	18839.2	23948.0	12456.5	13359.7	9.36677	9.9342	9.8437	10.0836	9.4300	9.5000
N	2	20489.0	56887.2	39841.9	43468.9	11498.8	13226.8	9.92765	10.9488	10.5927	10.6798	9.3500	9.4900
N	3	7599.7	20925.4	6854.2	9596.4	13722.0	11977.9	8.93586	9.9487	8.8326	9.1691	9.5268	9.3908
N	4	7475.1	19415.8	15230.0	6848.3	11161.2	15119.8	8.91934	9.8738	9.6310	8.8318	9.3202	9.6238
N	5	10536.5	10951.1	10996.7	13369.7	10599.3	14111.2	9.26260	9.3012	9.3054	9.5007	9.2685	9.5547
N	6	10056.6	17893.1	16079.3	9024.5	9527.8	16989.9	9.21598	9.7922	9.6853	9.1077	9.1620	9.7404
N	7	13547.0	16276.9	19004.6	13346.8	14270.3	23868.3	9.51392	9.6975	9.8524	9.4990	9.5659	10.0803
N	8	9225.6	15606.1	14296.7	8159.4	9728.2	10655.3	9.12973	9.6554	9.5678	9.0069	9.1828	9.2738
N	9	6928.8	19736.4	16362.1	22876.9	17034.6	8942.5	8.84345	9.8902	9.7027	10.0379	9.7430	9.0986
N	10	8199.4	21073.4	17104.9	14532.5	19080.1	16211.2	9.01182	9.9558	9.7471	9.5841	9.8564	9.6935
N	11	4650.1	21729.2	17025.4	16531.0	13747.7	19303.6	8.44464	9.9864	9.7425	9.7130	9.5286	9.8680
N	12	15412.9	13787.9	16970.1	9014.1	10419.9	9833.3	9.64296	9.5315	9.7392	9.1065	9.2515	9.1935
N	13	9633.2	12790.3	15948.7	14265.2	16672.7	8620.1	9.17297	9.4564	9.6771	9.5656	9.7215	9.0619
N	14	9776.1	15146.7	25677.6	8918.9	9816.2	14995.3	9.18769	9.6255	10.1534	9.0959	9.1918	9.6155
N	15	10396.0	14976.9	9150.4	2070.1	8064.8	11081.9	9.24918	9.6143	9.1216	7.6353	8.9953	9.3131
N	16	12738.2	14799.0	11447.3	12654.1	13134.8	11278.5	9.45236	9.6023	9.3455	9.4457	9.4830	9.3307
N	17	10548.1	22913.1	20334.0	17160.7	16512.1	17327.8	9.26370	10.0395	9.9200	9.7504	9.7118	9.7601
N	18	7783.7	19817.7	18347.2	14450.5	19288.9	13262.9	8.95979	9.8943	9.8172	9.5785	9.8673	9.4927


Variable	Sitting_height_erect	Sitting_height_normal	Knee_height	Popliteal_height	Elbow_rest_height	Thigh_clearance_height	Buttock_to_knee_length	Buttock_to_popliteal_length	Elbow_to_elbow_breadth	Seat_breadth	Biacromial_diameter	Chest_girth	Waist_girth	Right_arm_girth	Right_arm_skinfold	Infrascapular_skinfold	Height	Weight	Age
Sitting_height_erect	1.000	0.907	0.440	0.364	0.585	0.209	0.347	0.231	-0.032	0.204	0.350	0.059	-0.076	0.052	0.057	-0.063	0.772	0.197	-0.339
Sitting_height_normal	0.907	1.000	0.420	0.352	0.533	0.199	0.327	0.230	-0.029	0.197	0.317	0.045	-0.091	0.034	0.064	-0.063	0.729	0.165	-0.300
Knee_height	0.440	0.420	1.000	0.747	0.023	0.196	0.689	0.585	0.106	0.254	0.406	0.180	-0.121	0.128	0.100	0.041	0.782	0.322	-0.128
Popliteal_height	0.364	0.352	0.747	1.000	-0.095	-0.141	0.429	0.387	-0.200	-0.101	0.255	-0.126	0.166	-0.219	-0.193	-0.248	0.723	-0.035	-0.196
Elbow_rest_height	0.585	0.533	0.023	-0.095	1.000	0.293	0.051	-0.045	0.143	0.275	0.094	0.179	0.111	0.222	0.191	0.150	0.258	0.253	-0.177
Thigh_clearance_height	0.209	0.199	0.196	-0.141	0.293	1.000	0.465	0.352	0.597	0.609	0.370	0.594	0.523	0.641	0.539	0.541	0.137	0.693	-0.026
Buttock_to_knee_length	0.347	0.327	0.689	0.429	0.051	0.465	1.000	0.786	0.413	0.552	0.426	0.441	0.410	0.450	0.343	0.296	0.609	0.620	-0.036
Buttock_to_popliteal_length	0.231	0.230	0.585	0.387	-0.045	0.352	0.786	1.000	0.326	0.390	0.341	0.371	0.333	0.355	0.269	0.243	0.514	0.490	-0.005
Elbow_to_elbow_breadth	-0.032	-0.029	0.106	-0.200	0.143	0.597	0.413	0.326	1.000	0.696	0.331	0.878	0.870	0.835	0.619	0.751	-0.070	0.844	0.393
Seat_breadth	0.204	0.197	0.254	-0.101	0.275	0.609	0.552	0.390	0.696	1.000	0.327	0.680	0.666	0.746	0.614	0.596	0.137	0.805	0.187
Biacromial_diameter	0.350	0.317	0.406	0.255	0.094	0.370	0.426	0.341	0.331	0.327	1.000	0.433	0.301	0.331	0.209	0.243	0.407	0.443	-0.116
Chest_girth	0.059	0.045	0.180	-0.126	0.179	0.594	0.441	0.371	0.878	0.680	0.433	1.000	0.862	0.843	0.615	0.762	0.016	0.882	0.317
Waist_girth	-0.076	-0.091	-0.121	0.166	0.111	0.523	0.410	0.333	0.870	0.666	0.301	0.862	1.000	0.803	0.589	0.747	-0.090	0.844	0.432
Right_arm_girth	0.052	0.034	0.128	-0.219	0.222	0.641	0.450	0.355	0.835	0.746	0.331	0.843	0.803	1.000	0.740	0.774	-0.026	0.888	0.272
Right_arm_skinfold	0.057	0.064	0.100	-0.193	0.191	0.539	0.343	0.269	0.619	0.614	0.209	0.615	0.589	0.740	1.000	0.755	-0.022	-0.641	0.203
Infrascapular_skinfold	-0.063	-0.063	0.041	-0.248	0.150	0.541	0.296	0.243	0.751	0.596	0.243	0.762	0.747	0.774	0.755	1.000	-0.136	0.729	0.278
Height	0.772	0.729	0.782	0.723	0.258	0.137	0.609	0.514	-0.070	0.137	0.407	0.016	-0.090	-0.026	-0.022	-0.136	1.000	0.189	-0.289
Weight	0.197	0.165	0.322	-0.035	0.253	0.693	0.620	0.490	0.844	0.805	0.443	0.882	0.844	0.888	-0.641	0.729	0.189	1.000	0.204
Age	-0.339	-0.300	-0.128	-0.196	-0.177	-0.026	-0.036	-0.005	0.393	0.187	-0.116	0.317	0.432	0.272	0.203	0.278	-0.289	0.204	1.000


Variable	Sitting_height_erect	Sitting_height_normal	Knee_height	Popliteal_height	Elbow_rest_height	Thigh_clearance_height	Buttock_to_knee_length	Buttock_to_popliteal_length	Elbow_to_elbow_breadth	Seat_breadth	Biacromial_diameter	Chest_girth	Waist_girth	Right_arm_girth	Right_arm_skinfold	Infrascapular_skinfold	Height	Weight	Age
Sitting_height_erect	1.000	0.873	0.446	0.410	0.544	0.238	0.418	0.227	0.139	0.365	0.365	0.238	0.106	0.221	0.133	0.096	0.770	0.403	-0.272
Sitting_height_normal	0.873	1.000	0.443	0.382	0.454	0.284	0.429	0.274	0.212	0.422	0.335	0.298	0.184	0.265	0.191	0.152	0.717	0.433	-0.183
Knee_height	0.446	0.443	1.000	0.798	-0.029	0.228	0.743	0.626	0.139	0.311	0.352	0.229	0.138	0.194	0.081	0.038	0.802	0.404	-0.172
Popliteal_height	0.410	0.382	0.798	1.000	-0.062	-0.029	0.619	0.524	-0.114	0.050	0.275	0.000	-0.097	-0.059	-0.097	-0.166	0.767	0.153	-0.215
Elbow_rest_height	0.544	0.454	-0.029	-0.062	1.000	0.217	0.005	-0.145	0.231	0.286	0.127	0.258	0.191	0.269	0.216	0.247	0.212	0.324	-0.192
Thigh_clearance_height	0.238	0.284	0.228	-0.029	0.217	1.000	0.348	0.237	0.063	0.579	0.303	0.605	0.537	0.663	0.480	0.503	0.210	0.684	-0.190
Buttock_to_knee_length	0.418	0.429	0.743	0.619	0.005	0.348	1.000	0.736	0.299	0.449	0.365	0.386	0.323	0.342	0.240	0.212	0.751	0.551	-0.151
Buttock_to_popliteal_length	0.227	0.274	0.626	0.524	-0.145	0.237	0.736	1.000	0.193	0.265	0.252	0.252	0.216	0.224	0.128	0.106	0.600	0.379	-0.108
Elbow_to_elbow_breadth	0.139	0.212	0.139	-0.114	0.231	0.063	0.299	0.193	1.000	0.707	0.311	0.833	0.820	0.755	0.524	0.674	0.069	0.804	0.156
Seat_breadth	0.365	0.422	0.311	0.050	0.286	0.579	0.449	0.265	0.707	1.000	0.343	0.732	0.717	0.675	0.546	0.610	0.309	0.813	0.043
Biacromial_diameter	0.365	0.335	0.352	0.275	0.127	0.303	0.365	0.252	0.311	0.343	1.000	0.418	0.249	0.379	0.183	0.242	0.381	0.474	-0.261
Chest_girth	0.238	0.298	0.229	0.000	0.258	0.605	0.386	0.252	0.833	0.732	0.418	1.000	0.837	0.784	0.558	0.710	0.189	0.885	0.062
Waist_girth	0.106	0.184	0.138	-0.097	0.191	0.537	0.323	0.216	0.820	0.717	0.249	0.837	1.000	0.712	0.552	0.727	0.054	0.821	0.299
Right_arm_girth	0.221	0.265	0.194	-0.059	0.269	0.663	0.342	0.224	0.755	0.675	0.379	0.784	0.712	1.000	0.570	0.667	0.139	0.849	-0.115
Right_arm_skinfold	0.133	0.191	0.081	-0.097	0.216	0.480	0.240	0.128	0.524	0.546	0.183	0.558	0.552	0.570	1.000	0.697	0.060	0.562	-0.039
Infrascapular_skinfold	0.096	0.152	0.038	-0.166	0.247	0.503	0.212	0.106	0.674	0.610	0.242	0.710	0.727	0.667	0.697	1.000	-0.003	0.709	0.045
Height	0.770	0.717	0.802	0.767	0.212	0.210	0.751	0.600	0.069	0.309	0.381	0.189	0.054	0.139	0.060	-0.003	1.000	0.394	-0.270
Weight	0.403	0.433	0.404	0.153	0.324	0.684	0.551	0.379	0.804	0.813	0.474	0.885	0.821	0.849	0.562	0.709	0.394	1.000	-0.058
Age	-0.272	-0.183	-0.172	-0.215	-0.192	-0.190	-0.151	-0.108	0.156	0.043	-0.261	0.062	0.299	-0.115	-0.039	0.045	-0.270	-0.058	1.000