Lecture 20

We will discuss checking model assumptions for One-Way MANOVA in class. We may also discuss conducting post-hoc comparisons.

We use the following data from the Carnegie Mellon Statistics Library, originally from Lubischew, A.A. (1962) On the use of discriminant functions in taxonomy. Biometrics 18: 455-477. The measurements are the width and angle of the aedeagus of each beetle. The data are on three species of the flea beetle Chaetocnema: concinna (Con), heikertingeri (Hei), and ,heptapotamica, (Hep).

Width	Angle	Species
150	15	Con
147	13	Con
144	14	Con
144	16	Con
153	13	Con
140	15	Con
151	14	Con
143	14	Con
144	14	Con
142	15	Con
141	13	Con
150	15	Con
148	13	Con
154	15	Con
147	14	Con
137	14	Con
134	15	Con
157	14	Con
149	13	Con
147	13	Con
148	14	Con
120	14	Hei
123	16	Hei
130	14	Hei
131	16	Hei
116	16	Hei
122	15	Hei
127	15	Hei
132	16	Hei
125	14	Hei
119	13	Hei
122	13	Hei
120	15	Hei
119	14	Hei
123	15	Hei
125	15	Hei
125	14	Hei
129	14	Hei
130	13	Hei
129	13	Hei
122	12	Hei
129	15	Hei
124	15	Hei
120	13	Hei
119	16	Hei
119	14	Hei
133	13	Hei
121	15	Hei
128	14	Hei
129	14	Hei
124	13	Hei
129	14	Hei
145	8	Hep
140	11	Hep
140	11	Hep
131	10	Hep
139	11	Hep
139	10	Hep
136	12	Hep
129	11	Hep
140	10	Hep
137	9	Hep
141	11	Hep
138	9	Hep
143	9	Hep
142	11	Hep
144	10	Hep
138	10	Hep
140	10	Hep
130	9	Hep
137	11	Hep
137	10	Hep
136	9	Hep
140	10	Hep