install.packages('ape', repos='') install.packages('seqinr', repos='') library(ape) library(seqinr) data <- read.table('Salmon_data.txt', header=TRUE) newick <- read.tree('Salmon.nwk') x<- data$body_length names(x)<- data$species y<-data$Egg_weight names(y)<- data$species original_correlation = cor(pic(x, newick), pic(y, newick)) original_correlation ## Code for including phylogenetic uncertainty when the uncertainty ## is huge - as in the phylogeny is completely unknown B=1000 n = nrow(data) rcorrelation = array(0, dim=c(B)) z = array(0, dim=c(B)) for(i in 1:B){ rnewick <- rtree(n, rooted = TRUE, tip.label = data$species, br = runif) rcorrelation[i] = cor(pic(x, rnewick), pic(y, rnewick)) z[i] = .5*log((1 + rcorrelation[i])/(1 - rcorrelation[i])) } average_z = mean(z) average_correlation = tanh(average_z) var_z = (1/(n-4)) + var(z) z_l = average_z - 1.96*sqrt(var_z) z_u = average_z + 1.96*sqrt(var_z) r_l = tanh(z_l) r_u = tanh(z_u) c(r_l, average_correlation, r_u)