Lecture 42

We will consider Case study 21.2 from the text in class for an example of extra binomial variation.
light        	0.00	56.00	17.00
dark         	0.00	56.00	14.00
light        	7.20	80.00	28.00
dark         	7.20	80.00	20.00
light        	24.10	52.00	18.00
dark         	24.10	52.00	22.00
light        	30.20	60.00	9.00
dark         	30.20	60.00	16.00
light        	36.40	60.00	16.00
dark         	36.40	60.00	23.00
light        	41.50	84.00	20.00
dark         	41.50	84.00	40.00
light        	51.20	92.00	24.00
dark         	51.20	92.00	39.00